Outside of financial security, I am determined to have mental security: I will be a sane, lucid old woman (even if I end up as an old maid with a cat)!
I've known for a while that crossword puzzles increase brain function and decreases the susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease. I am fortunate to be the nerd that loves crosswords. So check that one off my list in my efforts to be mentally sound.
Tonight PBS had on a show about brain functionality. Supposedly your brain function increases if you concentrate on good things in your life... And thinking of 5 things a day for which you are grateful has proven to help your brain function. The nice addition to this practice is that I just get to think nice things and have my own personal mini-thanksgiving in my head every day, which hopefully should help me start (or end) my days with a happy thought.
Don't expect me to do this constantly here, but for today, as a start, I shall list 5 things for which I am thankful/grateful. Here goes: I am thankful....
- for my parents' support. My parents build me up and are proud of me. They let me know when they're disappointed in my actions, but always let me know they'll be there to support me.
- that I am able to support myself. Although I have worked hard to get where I am, I know that a piece of my success is simply luck in being at the right place at the right time. I am thankful to have worked hard and to have had luck on my side.
- that I have had the opportunity to travel. To have been able to visit much of western Europe and will soon see some of South America before my 30th birthday, I am fortunate.
- that I can read. Simple, I know... but I love where books take me and how they stir up images and people from words on a page.
- to have fantastic, interesting friends and a boyfriend that all care about me. They all contribute to the person I am and make me a better person for their friendship.