Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Years Resolution Implementation: i.e, I went to the Bahamas

I have officially implemented the New Year’s Resolution I spoke about previously and took about 2 weeks off work over the holidays. In reality, I took off only 8 work days b/c of the two holidays, and ended up working on Christmas day. Yes, I realize working on Christmas is not a great start to keeping my New Year’s Resolution, but it was NOT officially New Year’s, so I refuse to admit defeat yet…

I spent a week down with my family, and am only realizing now that I didn’t get a single picture in while I was there. My sister, with her new job as a Front Royal police officer, was working the entire week, so it was just my parents and my niece, roaming around the house and off seeing friends. In general, it was a good week, though I could VERY easily argue that time spent with my family can not actually be considered relaxing. My dad in fact, gave me a set of napkins for Christmas stating: “I’m visiting family for Christmas, by New Years I’ll be in therapy”. I think my Dad gets it… :)

The Boy came down towards the end of the week to meet Momma and my niece, although introducing a guy I like to my parents can only be considering a nerve-wracking and nail-biting experience. Fortunately it was only for 2 days before we headed out to the Bahamas for some definite relaxing. I had an absolute blast, didn’t work a single day this past week (um, today, the Saturday after my return, cannot be counted against my resolution. I’m catching up so next week I can continue on my path to work-life balance enlightenment!)

We had 2 days of 80+ degree weather in Freeport, on Grand Bahama Island – and then back to “normal” weather there – in the 50s and 60s. Still a far cry from the 20s and 30s of NYC.

I had tons of time for kayaking – I do NOT recommend sitting in the front of a 2 person kayak as you are highly likely to get whacked in the head by your rear companion, getting soaked by them, ducking trees, and having to understand their “instructions” on steering, (“Steer right”, “STOP”, “Why aren’t you paddling”, “Don’t steer like that” being common phrases you’ll hear throughout the ride). I loved every minute of it; goofing off, running into trees, and all...

For riding a 2-person scooter around town – I do recommend requesting your partner’s scooter-driving experience first, and ensuring that they can successfully perform the following items:

- Stay on the road
- Stay on the correct side of the road
- Drive straight without wobbling
- Turn without wobbling WHILE staying on the road
It was hilarious. I absolutely recommend looking silly in the ridiculous helmets and scootering around an island.

For horseback riding – I recommend riding the horse that does not annoy all the other horses and cause them to attempt biting your horse and avoiding your horse at any cost. This makes for bad pictures.... Or as bad as a picture can get when you have horses on a sandy beach in front of clear aqua waters. Which clearly isn't that bad. :)

For hikes to see caves and raccoons!
Let’s hope these 2 weeks have refreshed me enough to keep me from stressing out over work, etc. at least through January… The Dodgeball team I have joined should assist me in releasing any anger or stress – I pity our opponents!

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