I spent a week down with my family, and am only realizing now that I didn’t get a single picture in while I was there. My sister, with her new job as a Front Royal police officer, was working the entire week, so it was just my parents and my niece, roaming around the house and off seeing friends. In general, it was a good week, though I could VERY easily argue that time spent with my family can not actually be considered relaxing. My dad in fact, gave me a set of napkins for Christmas stating: “I’m visiting family for Christmas, by New Years I’ll be in therapy”. I think my Dad gets it… :)
The Boy came down towards the end of the week to meet Momma and my niece, although introducing a guy I like to my parents can only be considering a nerve-wracking and nail-biting experience. Fortunately it was only for 2 days before we headed out to the Bahamas for some definite relaxing. I had an absolute blast, didn’t work a single day this past week (um, today, the Saturday after my return, cannot be counted against my resolution. I’m catching up so next week I can continue on my path to work-life balance enlightenment!)

- Stay on the road
- Stay on the correct side of the road
- Drive straight without wobbling
- Turn without wobbling WHILE staying on the road
- Stay on the correct side of the road
- Drive straight without wobbling
- Turn without wobbling WHILE staying on the road
It was hilarious. I absolutely recommend looking silly in the ridiculous helmets and scootering around an island.

For hikes to see caves and raccoons!
Let’s hope these 2 weeks have refreshed me enough to keep me from stressing out over work, etc. at least through January… The Dodgeball team I have joined should assist me in releasing any anger or stress – I pity our opponents!

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