Friday, June 12, 2009

Cameras and Shoes

I have a handful of new pairs of shoes of which I'd like to take a picture.
I'm still in the process of figuring out how many new shoes it takes to make a heart stop hurting... And I think documenting the process would be a helpful reminder of how many to start with next time.

Do you realize how much a picture of the newbies would make this post oh-so-much prettier!?

I really need a digital camera to manage this. The phone just isn't cutting it these days... Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

Oh heck yeah man - as a fellow blogger, lover of all things easy (er, when it comes to electronics), and too lazy to do my own research - trust me: you want a Canon Powershot.

Plus, they're adorable and tot affordable (I got mine in blue).