Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It’s already September!

Excitement! Although the Red Sox have just finished a disappointing 3-game sweep here in New York, they’re still in first place across the entire league, not just the AL East, and 5 games up on the ogres I have to live amidst. I cannot wait for the series to begin!
(Yes, I called them ogres.)

One of my soon-to-be roommates is a through and through New York Yankees fan. Over the top. Even though he’s lived in Boston the last few years! I haven’t decided if this is a recipe for an interesting at-home rivalry with a bit of goading from us both, or just flat-out hatred for each other for 7 months out of the year. Hopefully our other roommate doesn’t kill us both for our constant battling on this subject.

The three of us have been looking for a place incessantly for the last couple of weeks, which is an extremely draining experience in NYC. We finally put in an application to the co-op board of a great building this past week, and my fingers and toes are crossed that all goes through without a hitch. (Now is the point where you assure me your fingers are crossed as well).
I want a place to just call home now, and really hate the apartment hunt –I’ve been in a near-constant state of apartment hunting for about 7 years now. There was 1 place that I lived longer than a year, and everywhere else I had short term leases, and thus bounced around. I think I must be growing up for want of this stability. My parents should be so proud… Only took just shy of 28 years!

I’m heading back to California for this next week to sort out the remaining bits of my life on the West coast – my car, my apartment, etc, etc. Half of me is dreading this for the pain-in-the-ass component, the other half relieved to finally be getting my bits and bobs out to the East coast. I have a few A’s games planned, some time out at the beach is definitely on the schedule, I have to get a few cases of good wine to ship back, and I’m working from our SV office too, so it likely will be a complete whirlwind of a week.
In the meantime, GO RED SOX!!!!