Monday, April 28, 2008

A Baseball God touched me...


You remember that teenager feeling... The butterflies in the tummy. The inability to not ramble. The way your tongue felt like it was 200 times its normal size. I felt that. Manny Ramirez, the beloved Red Sox player, was on my flight. He's beautiful. He's not as big as he looks. He touched my arm. How giddy do I look?!
And I got a picture and 2 (count 'em) autographs!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Rather Unseemly Habit

Its been a while since I've written anything down. I've had a lot roaming around in my head, and unfortunately, it is of the stuff that shant be written about in such a public forum. So I'm skipping all the good stuff (sorry!).

I learned to play golf this weekend. That's an exaggeration. That I learned to hit a golf ball harder than what is standard at mini-golf is a more accurate statement. Very exciting! My father will be very pleased with my attempt (though if I ever chose to show him my skills in person, I think I'd get laughed at!). My mother... well, my mother never got my dad's love of golf. She'll think I've gained a rather unseemly habit at best. Which is exactly why I only told my dad! I wish I had pictures of me in my Connecticut gear - slacks and polo shirt (I was totally missing the sun visor).